Conference Program
- Cornelie Dietrich, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany)
- Susi Ferrarello, California State University, East Bay (USA)
- Ruth E. Groenhout, University of North Carolina, Charlotte (USA)
- Maurice Hamington, Portland State University, Portland (USA)
- Carlo Leget, University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht (Netherlands)
- Agustín Domingo Moratalla, Universidad de Valencia (Spain)
- Fiona Robinson, Carleton University, Ottawa (Canada)
Prof.ssa Luigina Mortari, prof.ssa Roberta Silva, dott.ssa Federica Valbusa, dott.ssa Alessia Bevilacqua
Dott. Marco Ubbiali, dott.ssa Rosi Bombieri, dott.ssa Ilaria Berardi, dott.ssa Sara Lo Jacono, dott.ssa Martina Ghio, dott.ssa Ilaria Mussini, dott.ssa Susanna Puecher, dott.ssa Migena Rexha, dott.ssa Diletta Migliorin, dott.ssa Lisa Ruffini, dott.ssa Cristiana Dell’Erba
Call for abstract
Care is essential in life, because our being is ontologically relational, vulnerable and fragile. Indeed, care is needed to repair our being when it is wounded, to preserve and protect it, and to make it flourish. However, this phenomenon, whose essentiality is evident in daily life, has often been neglected by theoretical knowledge and empirical research in humanities and healthcare fields. Actually, knowledge about the ontological necessity of care has ancient roots, but for a long time the work of care has been conceived as an exclusive domain of female wisdom, without being adequately theorized and investigated. In the last few decades, we have witnessed to a renewed academic interest for this theme and, consequently, to an international proliferation of theoretical and empirical studies about it, which can contribute to design new horizons for better policies. The conference “Philosophy and Politics of Care” has been organized in order to discuss about the state of the art of the studies about care, starting from the assumption that the academic commitment to study this phenomenon in its essence and experience cannot be conceived as separated from the educational and political commitment to raise caring generations and communities.
The conference is seeking submissions for in-person oral presentations related the following topics:
-state of the art of the conceptualization of the ethics of care and of the indicators to act with care
–health care
-educative care in school
–extra-school educative care
-care for higher education
-care for emotional life
-care for nature
Abstracts should not exceed 400 words and should be written in English, the official language of the event. Submissions must be done by filling this form and then sent to info@melete.eu. Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee.
Deadline for submission: November 15, 2023
Extended deadline: December 15, 2023
Registration and Rates
Early registration (January 15 to 31, 2024) | 40 euros |
Regular registration (February 1 to 29, 2024) | 50 euros |
University students and Ph.D students | 30 euros |
To register to the Conference, please complete this form and submit it to segreteria.dfpp@ateneo.univr.it and info@melete.eu